Tag Archives: wordpress

Blog upgrade

Being a number of versions behind decided to upgrade WordPress this evening. A quick review of the upgrade instructions and I was off. An hour later and I’m done. Ran into one problem with a error in upgrade.php but that was solved by uploading the files in wp-includes. The upgrade instructions said this wasn’t necessary, so maybe it’s something related to the version I was running I’m not sure. None the less after moving those files the upgrade was complete. We’re back in business.

Now that I’m current wonder how long it will take before I’m not, again !!!!

Theme mod

I got to give props to the everyone who does web site design, if I only had that kind of imagination… but I live in the real world and that kind of creativity is just not me. I do find it challenging to make changes working with what others have done. I am a fan of the guys at Binarybonsai as they have done nice work with K2 and the now WordPress default Kubrick.

So as I started to look at themes and what I could do I kept coming back to what The Glass People have done for WordPress. A simple to column theme with the sidebar on the right. So off and on for the last few weeks I’ve been making little changes to the css and php to where I think I’ve got what I want. Tonight was the final mods.

You can see from the standard theme is wasn’t much but I like stuff clean so fonts and colors had to change as well as a bit of modification to the sidebar.

Out with bBlog and in with WordPress

After a year with bBlog I found myself looking for more options and flexability and decided to move to WordPress. After a scary moment this morning when I lost all the templating things are back to normal. I was not able to convert, using the rss import function, all the previous posts so I just moved them manually. I’m sure it was something I was doing wrong as my php skills are not that polished. A quick google reminded me that I needed to make a change in setup for where the blog pointed to and after doing that everything was back to normal.

So just don’t assume moving files should work, check docs first