Another week of traveling

It was another week away from home, for business though not play. As recent changes at the home office deemed it necessary for a personal visit for training. While there it seemed very difficult to get anything accomplished, days filled with meetings and training sessions some of which I was the instructor. That was no supprise but the sessions were very informal and hopefully beneficial.

Being one of a handful of remote workers, that are not in sales, communication and sharing of information is always a challenge. It would be helpful if the company took an approach of communicating that does not mean talking with someone on the phone or steping into their office, but it has yet to come.

Almost daily I struggle with continuing what is percieved as my anti Mircosoft mentallity, where web is king and searching is an absolute necessity, and falling back into owership of information makes it available… you just need to ask. I’m sure my perception of the office is incorrect just as the office’s perception of me is the same. Just cause I choose something different does make me anti anything, just different. But at the same time an “open” exchange where information on products and services is posted and can be searchable makes “finding the owner of the info”, mute. I guess when you are in the proprietary software business and have done things a certain way for 25 years moving to an open environment can be difficult and scary.

I’ll keep trying to beat the drum of opening up, I’m always up to a good challenge… 8 years and running. ;)

Note: Moving to an open environment is not moving your proprietary software to the GPL or am I referring to replacing the existing productivity suites with something that is. One idea would be instead of emails noting meeting minutes or attached documents being emailed about information on a new product… post it online for all to see.

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