An open phone, I like

FIC Neo1973

Ever since Trolltech annouced the Greenphone I’ve been waiting for a linux based phone to come to the US, one that also had viable PDA functions. Their are already a number of Linux based phones but most are only available in Asian markets. Motorola seems to be the biggest player we see moving in this direction. So the other day when I ran across an upcoming release from FIC of OpenMoko.

This article gives details on what should be available in February 2007. I’m curious to see what comes across the announce list after reading this post. Their has been some comparison to the IPhone too. But GSM always gets the good stuff first hopefully a CDMA capable version will be available later this year otherwise I may need to look into switching carriers.

Switching carriers may be worth it if I can get rid of the SL-5500 at the same time. But then their is also the Nokia N880 almost to cool pass up…. but I don’t do Internet phone yet, still work from home and only chat a small percentage of the day. But you never know when things will change.

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